Main Configuration
Config = {
Debug = false, -- debug mode for more information
VersionCheck = true, -- should this script check for a new version?
DrawDistance = 30.0, -- distance marker should be drawn
InteractDistance = 1.8, -- distance you can access the markers
OnlyDirtyVehicles = false, -- only dirty vehicles will be cleaned?
DoubleClean = true, -- should the washing process take x2 longer?
Price = 100, -- price per car wash
Translation Configuration
Translation = { -- Change the Translation Strings here
['carwash_interact'] = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to ~b~wash~s~ your vehicle.',
['carwash_not_enough_money'] = '~r~You do not have enough money.',
['carwash_done'] = 'Your vehicle is ~g~clean~s~ again.',
Points Configuration
Points = {
name = 'Car Wash', -- name from the car wash
coords = vector3(23.2519, -1391.9188, 29.3310), -- coords from the car wash
propState = true, -- enable or disable washing props
marker = {
enable = false, -- enable/disable marker?
markertype = 1, -- markertype?
color = {r = 120, g = 255, b = 120} -- rgb color for marker?
blip = {
enable = true, -- enable/disable blip?
sprite = 434,
colour = 18,
size = 0.8,
text = 'Carwash'
name = 'Car Wash',
coords = vector3(-699.7906, -934.0635, 19.0139),
propState = true,
marker = {
enable = false,
markertype = 1,
color = {r = 120, g = 255, b = 120}
blip = {
enable = true,
sprite = 434,
colour = 18,
size = 0.8,
text = 'Carwash'
You can add as many car washes as you wish.
Last updated