
Main Configuration

Config = {
    Locale = 'en', -- locale that the script should use
    Debug = false, -- prints much information for developer
    VersionCheck = true, -- enable or disable version check (not working in beta)

    DutyCommand = 'aduty', -- what should be the command to go to admin-duty?
    CallHelpCommand = 'calladmin', -- what should be the command to call staff?
    AcceptMethod = 'teleport', -- available: waypoint, teleport
    NotifyOnlyInDuty = false -- should you get calladmin notifys only in admin-duty? 

Enabling Debug can cause a higher resmon usage due to massive prints.

Features Configuration

GodMode = {
    Enable = true, -- enable/disable this feature
    Default = false, -- enable when going in duty-mode?

    Command = 'godmode', -- keep clear if no command
    Keybind = 'NUMPAD4' -- keep clear if no keybind

Vanish = {
    Enable = true, -- enable/disable this feature
    Default = false, -- enable when going in duty-mode?

    Command = 'vanish', -- keep clear if no command
    Keybind = 'NUMPAD5' -- keep clear if no keybind

NoClip = {
    Enable = true, -- enable/disable this feature
    Default = false, -- enable when going in duty-mode?

    Command = 'noclip', -- keep clear if no command
    Keybind = 'NUMPAD6' -- keep clear if no keybind

ESP = {
    Enable = true, -- enable/disable this feature
    Default = false, -- enable when going in duty-mode?

    Command = 'esp', -- keep clear if no command
    Keybind = 'NUMPAD2' -- keep clear if no keybind

NoNotify = {
    Enable = true, -- enable/disable this feature (no message when not in duty)

    Command = 'nonotify', -- keep clear if no command
    Keybind = 'NUMPAD9' -- keep clear if no keybind

If you are using God-Mode and want to use NoClip you need to use the NoClip provided in this script!

You can put ''instead of a value to disable command/keybind

Discord Configuration

Discord = {
    Enable = false, -- do you want discord webhook logs
    Webhook = '', -- put your discord webhook link here

    Color = 65535, -- embed color
    PureContent = '@everyone', -- tag a role for example
    Name = 'lamaAdmin Webhook', -- name for the webhook bot
    Avatar = '', -- avatar link for the webhook bot
    Title = 'Admin-Duty', -- embed title
    Footer = 'Made by Lama Studios' -- embed footer 

You need to generate a discord webhook link. A tutorial on how to create one can be found here:

Sound Configuration

Sound = {
    Enable = false, --requires:
    URL = '', --url of sound
    Volume = 1.0  --volume of the sound

Sound integration requires xsound

Notification System Configuration

NotifySystem = function(args, time, type) -- add your own notification system here
    -- esx notify

You can add your own notification system in here. There are some examples given below.

Example for basic chat message
NotifySystem = function(args, time, type)
    TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', {
        color = {255, 0, 0},
        multiline = true,
        args = {args}  
Example for pNotify
NotifySystem = function(args, time, type)
        text = args,
        type = type,
        timeout = time,
        layout = "centerLeft",
        queue = "left"
Example for okokNotify
NotifySystem = function(args, time, type)
    exports['okokNotify']:Alert('Support', args, time, type, true)
Example for okokChatV2
NotifySystem = function(args, time, type)
    exports['okokChatV2']:Message('linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(0 32 51) 0%, rgb(0 132 210 / 90%) 100%)', '#00d0ff', 'fas fa-bell', 'Player Need Help', ' Support', args, -1)

Ranks Configuration

Ranks = { -- add/remove ranks and their clothes
    admin = {
        male = {
            ['tshirt_1'] = 15,  ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
            ['torso_1'] = 287,   ['torso_2'] = 3,
            ['decals_1'] = 0,   ['decals_2'] = 0,
            ['arms'] = 3,
            ['pants_1'] = 114,   ['pants_2'] = 3,
            ['shoes_1'] = 78,   ['shoes_2'] = 3,
            ['helmet_1'] = -1,  ['helmet_2'] = 0,
            ['mask_1'] = 135,  ['mask_2'] = 3,
            ['chain_1'] = 0,    ['chain_2'] = 0,
            ['ears_1'] = 0,     ['ears_2'] = 0,
            ['bags_1'] = 0,     ['bags_2'] = 0,
            ['hair_1'] = 0,     ['hair_2'] = 0,
            ['bproof_1'] = 0,  ['bproof_2'] = 0
        female = {
            ['tshirt_1'] = 15,  ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
            ['torso_1'] = 300,   ['torso_2'] = 3,
            ['decals_1'] = 0,   ['decals_2'] = 0,
            ['arms'] = 8,
            ['pants_1'] = 121,   ['pants_2'] = 3,
            ['shoes_1'] = 82,   ['shoes_2'] = 3,
            ['helmet_1'] = -1,  ['helmet_2'] = 0,
            ['mask_1'] = 153,  ['mask_2'] = 3,
            ['chain_1'] = 0,    ['chain_2'] = 0,
            ['ears_1'] = 0,     ['ears_2'] = 0,
            ['bags_1'] = 0,     ['bags_2'] = 0,
            ['hair_1'] = 0,     ['hair_2'] = 0,
            ['bproof_1'] = 0,  ['bproof_2'] = 0

    mod = {
        male = {
            ['tshirt_1'] = 15,  ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
            ['torso_1'] = 287,   ['torso_2'] = 4,
            ['decals_1'] = 0,   ['decals_2'] = 0,
            ['arms'] = 3,
            ['pants_1'] = 114,   ['pants_2'] = 4,
            ['shoes_1'] = 78,   ['shoes_2'] = 4,
            ['helmet_1'] = -1,  ['helmet_2'] = 0,
            ['mask_1'] = 135,  ['mask_2'] = 4,
            ['chain_1'] = 0,    ['chain_2'] = 0,
            ['ears_1'] = 0,     ['ears_2'] = 0,
            ['bags_1'] = 0,     ['bags_2'] = 0,
            ['hair_1'] = 0,     ['hair_2'] = 0,
            ['bproof_1'] = 0,  ['bproof_2'] = 0
        female = {
            ['tshirt_1'] = 15,  ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
            ['torso_1'] = 300,   ['torso_2'] = 9,
            ['decals_1'] = 0,   ['decals_2'] = 0,
            ['arms'] = 8,
            ['pants_1'] = 121,   ['pants_2'] = 9,
            ['shoes_1'] = 82,   ['shoes_2'] = 9,
            ['helmet_1'] = -1,  ['helmet_2'] = 0,
            ['mask_1'] = 153,  ['mask_2'] = 9,
            ['chain_1'] = 0,    ['chain_2'] = 0,
            ['ears_1'] = 0,     ['ears_2'] = 0,
            ['bags_1'] = 0,     ['bags_2'] = 0,
            ['hair_1'] = 0,     ['hair_2'] = 0,
            ['bproof_1'] = 0,  ['bproof_2'] = 0

    developer = {
        male = {
            ['tshirt_1'] = 15,  ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
            ['torso_1'] = 287,   ['torso_2'] = 9,
            ['decals_1'] = 0,   ['decals_2'] = 0,
            ['arms'] = 3,
            ['pants_1'] = 114,   ['pants_2'] = 9,
            ['shoes_1'] = 78,   ['shoes_2'] = 9,
            ['helmet_1'] = -1,  ['helmet_2'] = 0,
            ['mask_1'] = 135,  ['mask_2'] = 9,
            ['chain_1'] = 0,    ['chain_2'] = 0,
            ['ears_1'] = 0,     ['ears_2'] = 0,
            ['bags_1'] = 0,     ['bags_2'] = 0,
            ['hair_1'] = 0,     ['hair_2'] = 0,
            ['bproof_1'] = 0,  ['bproof_2'] = 0
        female = {
            ['tshirt_1'] = 15,  ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
            ['torso_1'] = 300,   ['torso_2'] = 9,
            ['decals_1'] = 0,   ['decals_2'] = 0,
            ['arms'] = 8,
            ['pants_1'] = 121,   ['pants_2'] = 9,
            ['shoes_1'] = 82,   ['shoes_2'] = 9,
            ['helmet_1'] = -1,  ['helmet_2'] = 0,
            ['mask_1'] = 153,  ['mask_2'] = 9,
            ['chain_1'] = 0,    ['chain_2'] = 0,
            ['ears_1'] = 0,     ['ears_2'] = 0,
            ['bags_1'] = 0,     ['bags_2'] = 0,
            ['hair_1'] = 0,     ['hair_2'] = 0,
            ['bproof_1'] = 0,  ['bproof_2'] = 0

    support = {
        male = {
            ['tshirt_1'] = 15,  ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
            ['torso_1'] = 287,   ['torso_2'] = 5,
            ['decals_1'] = 0,   ['decals_2'] = 0,
            ['arms'] = 3,
            ['pants_1'] = 114,   ['pants_2'] = 5,
            ['shoes_1'] = 78,   ['shoes_2'] = 5,
            ['helmet_1'] = -1,  ['helmet_2'] = 0,
            ['mask_1'] = 135,  ['mask_2'] = 5,
            ['chain_1'] = 0,    ['chain_2'] = 0,
            ['ears_1'] = 0,     ['ears_2'] = 0,
            ['bags_1'] = 0,     ['bags_2'] = 0,
            ['hair_1'] = 0,     ['hair_2'] = 0,
            ['bproof_1'] = 0,  ['bproof_2'] = 0
        female = {
            ['tshirt_1'] = 15,  ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
            ['torso_1'] = 300,   ['torso_2'] = 5,
            ['decals_1'] = 0,   ['decals_2'] = 0,
            ['arms'] = 8,
            ['pants_1'] = 121,   ['pants_2'] = 5,
            ['shoes_1'] = 82,   ['shoes_2'] = 5,
            ['helmet_1'] = -1,  ['helmet_2'] = 0,
            ['mask_1'] = 153,  ['mask_2'] = 5,
            ['chain_1'] = 0,    ['chain_2'] = 0,
            ['ears_1'] = 0,     ['ears_2'] = 0,
            ['bags_1'] = 0,     ['bags_2'] = 0,
            ['hair_1'] = 0,     ['hair_2'] = 0,
            ['bproof_1'] = 0,  ['bproof_2'] = 0			

You can change your ranks and their clothes in that section.

Last updated